Congratulations to Emmalee Phelps who is the 2023 5th Grade Spelling Bee School Champion! She secured her trophy with the winning words "CUBICLE and CONTORTED" in the 11th round of competition. The winner must spell the word that the second place finisher missed and then the next word. It was an exciting contest with 39 of the best spellers from 5th grade competing for the title during their lunchtime recess. Our top finisher were ........ 1st Place: Emmalee Phelps 2nd Place: Callen Fameree 3rd Place: Cambria Malcore 4th Place: Mason Rozek (Pictured Left to Right)
almost 2 years ago, Jaclyn Chervenka
Spelling Bee Champions
Our 4th Graders put on an amazing performance last week sharing a musical caper about finding a place to belong at Camp Runomok. We are so proud of the talent and hard work these 4th graders and their teaching team poured into this production!
almost 2 years ago, Jaclyn Chervenka
Camp Runomok
Congratulations to the winners of the Championship Round of the Denmark Elementary 4th/5th Grade Geography Bee! It was an exciting display of Knowledge of US Geography, state nicknames, historic places and geographical terms. Our winners are: 3rd place: Cooper Vanlannen, 5th Grade 2nd place: Alex Pigeon, 5th Grade Champion Medal Winner: Callen Fameree, 5th Grade Our Champion winner never missed a question in 13 rounds of competition! We are so proud of our 4th & 5th Grade Vikings and all the hard work they all put into this challenge!
almost 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Geography Bee Champs
On March 14th, our 4th graders traveled to Maple Sweet Dairy with our FFA high School buddies. Our FFA members interacted with our students while they learned about the different kinds of tree taps and how to tap a tree. Students also got to see the evaporator and different tools they use to measure when it's done.
almost 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Maple Sweet Dairy
Maple Sweet Dairy
Maple Sweet Dairy
Last week our Elementary School held it's Spring Dance.... Disco Style! A huge thank you to all the staff, volunteers and families that came out in full support of this fun event! A special Shout-Out goes to Burger King for donating some crowns for our kiddos and a big thanks goes to DJ McP for running the music for the night!
almost 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Burger King Crown Donation
Disco Dance
Disco Dance
Disco Dance
Check out this amazing 4th grader who traded in his Purple Ticket prize to serve his classmates at lunchtime. We recognize the good choices our students make by giving them a "Thumbs Up" Purple Ticket. If their name is pulled, they are announced on the Daily Buzz and they get to chose a prize. This great kid chose to be a helper in the lunchroom!
almost 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Serving Lunch
Serving Lunch
Serving Lunch
On Thursday February 16th the second graders traveled to the farm Discovery Center in Manitowoc with our FFA high School buddies. Our FFA members took small groups of students and interacted with them throughout our farm experience. Students participated in a scavenger hunt, interactive video, and met the cows in the birthing Barn. Students were able to meet a calf that was born on February 14th.
almost 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
2nd Grade Discovery Farm Trip
We are so incredibly proud of our Denmark Elementary School Community! The Elementary Student Council collected 5 large totes of hygiene supplies during their Scrub-a-Dub-Dub event. With this HUGE donation, Viking Shield volunteers will be able to put a hygiene product in the CHOW bundles each month for our Denmark families. Fantastic work everyone!
almost 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Students bringing supplies
Students bringing donations
Students bringing donations
Students with Donations
Our First Graders had a wonderful time at Discovery Farms last week! There was lots to learn and explore, and even a brand new baby calf was born during their visit! Thank you to the FFA volunteers for overseeing this great field trip for our students!
almost 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Discovery Farm
Discovery Farm
Discovery Farm
Discovery Farm
Our Secret Santa Shoppe is off to a wonderful Start! Our students have enjoyed shopping for their families and can't wait to give their gifts to the ones they love this Christmas. Shopping will continue through the end of the week for anyone who missed their scheduled time.
about 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Secret Santa Shoppe Images
Yesterday our Staff participated in World Diabetes Awareness Day by wearing Blue. One of our own Little Vikings was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2018, and his Mom is a staff member at the Elementary School. Feel free to read about their story, as well as learn more about the history of World Diabetes Awareness Day.
about 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Staff wearing blue
Information on WDAD
Happy Veteran's Day from the Denmark Elementary School. We thank you for your service!
about 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Veteran's day photo collection
Our 4th grade students in Mrs. Collins classroom took their Ozobots "trick or treating" on a neighborhood map. Ask your child how they were able to instruct their robot which way to go!
about 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
4th graders working with ozobots
4th graders working with ozobots
4th graders working with ozobots
4th graders working with ozobots
Our 1st Graders attended Camp Read S'more with their families during Family Literacy Night. Thank you to all the families who participated!
about 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
1st grade literacy night
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Elementary Halloween Dance on Friday. It was a Spooktacular event and we loved seeing so many families in the building playing games and dancing to the tunes of our very own DJ "McP" !
about 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Pictures of School dance
Our students don't need fancy playground equipment to have a blast at recess time... Just Mr. Rick and his leaf blower!
about 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Leaf Blowing
Leaf Blowing
Leaf Blowing
Leaf Blowing
Mrs. Schroeder's class celebrated their accomplishments during the Read-A-Thon with a Glow Party!
about 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
students at glow party
students at glow party
students at glow party
Some of this week's Purple Ticket Winners and friends having lunch with Principal Hager! Students have the opportunity to earn purple tickets for good behavior and for being kind. If their ticket is drawn at the end of the week, they get to pick a prize. These kids chose to have lunch with Principal Hager! Way to go Denmark Elementary School Students!
over 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Principal eating lunch with students.
Our 1st graders had an awesome day learning about apples and how they are grown during The Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch last week!
over 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
Mrs. Van's Class
Mrs. Morris' class
Our students participated in The Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch on Oct 13th! This program encourages healthy eating and supports farm to school and other local food purchasing initiatives throughout the region. It’s also a fun way to connect food and agriculture to classroom curricula – from science to art & more!
over 2 years ago, Denmark Elementary School
learning about apples
learning about apples
learning about apples
learning about apples